Court Denies Donald Trump Motion for Summary Judgment
It seems "The Donald's" Trump Plaza Doral was not paying it's catering staff properly. In a decision issued on March 15, 2016, Judge Altonaga denied Trump Plaza Doral's Motion for Summary judgment. Trump Plaza Doral argued it was not the Plaintiffs' employer and that the court should enter final summary judgment in favor of "The Donald."

After a thorough analysis, where the court painstakingly examined whether the Plaintiffs’ were dependent on Trump Plaza Doral to determine whether an employment relationship exists, the courts applied a wide-ranging “economic realities” test that considers the degree of actual and potential control of the purported employer over the purported employee.
The court found Trump Plaza Doral’s argument not supported and unpersuasive. While The Donald might have had a good day here at the polls in securing a victory for the GOP nomination, he did not win today in the Southern District Court of Florida.
You can read the decision here.